Thursday, May 13, 2010

And that, is mountain bike racing...

yep. Boo to flats.

Todays stage started with me in 3rd on GC. only 5 seconds to AJ and 3 mins to English. At about 10km in i gapped the group through a sand patch and realised that this was my chance to have a go.

Through the rocky single track i managed to keep a good lead over the chasing group and was feeling awesome.

At the halfway point I'm told i had 5 mins lead on English. Which would have put me into the Lead on GC.

the last 10km or so of the course was rough. essentially an old 4x4 track along a fence line. Still riding well i was pumped to win the stage when disaster struck.

not sure but either a sharp rock or piece of wire slashed a hole in my tyre. I put in a tube but had troubles getting it to pump up.

Andy Fellows and Ben Henderson caught me as i was getting going again but there wasn't enough air in the tube. Off again to pump it up and Jason English caught me. Finally getting my shit together i rode on, up ahead was the 2km to go sign. All i had to do was get in before AJ to keep my third on GC and i did it with a second to spare.....

So, what could have been. But, that is bike racing.....

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